Friday 12 June 2015

Our blogging journey began in 2008 when we bought a caravan. For a few months each year we lived/travelled/worked our way up and down the East Coast of Australia. Our blog ‘yurting’ recorded our adventures, our thoughts and reflections and kept us connected to our family and friends. We value these things and blogging has become part of ‘life’ ever since.

yurting (2008-14)  Our travelling adventures, the story of integrating two very different kinds of living.

365 (2013) one photo every day for one year. What began as an attempt to keep motivated taking photos turned out to be an unintentional recording of a significant and transitional year – our first on the Sunshine Coast

the colour of blue (2014) our ‘one year’ opportunity to fulfill a dream of living by the sea has given rise to “we can’t possibly leave yet, let’s stay a little longer.” It doesn’t make much sense to live in one state and work in another but then again we often end up doing things a little differently.

the red door (2015-2016) Why not? We often ask ourselves that question. It often leads to unexpected decisions. And so here we are, surprisingly, in Tasmania, continuing our quest to live a life without regret.

why not? (2016 - )

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